Hot Shot's Secret Diesel Powered Gift Set


The Hot Shot’s Secret Diesel Treatment Bundle includes a complete package for fuel system cleaning, daily diesel treatment, and engine protection. It features Diesel Extreme for fuel system cleaning, Everyday Diesel Treatment (EDT) for ongoing maintenance, and FR3 Friction Reducer for enhanced engine performance.


  • 16 oz Hot Shot’s Secret Diesel Extreme for deep fuel system cleaning
  • 16 oz Hot Shot’s Secret Everyday Diesel Treatment (EDT) for ongoing cetane boost and fuel system protection
  • 32 oz FR3 Friction Reducer for advanced engine protection and efficiency
  • Treats up to 400 gallons of diesel fuel with EDT
  • Provides patented nano technology to protect engine surfaces

The Hot Shot’s Secret Diesel Treatment Bundle offers comprehensive protection and performance improvement for diesel engines. It includes three essential products designed to work together to clean, protect, and enhance your diesel engine.

  • 16 oz Hot Shot’s Secret Diesel Extreme: Diesel Extreme is a powerful, concentrated cleaner that targets the entire fuel system, removing deposits, varnish, and contaminants to restore performance. It improves fuel economy and enhances injector function, making it ideal for periodic fuel system cleaning.

  • 16 oz Hot Shot’s Secret Everyday Diesel Treatment (EDT): EDT is a 6-in-1 daily diesel fuel treatment designed to boost cetane, lubricate fuel system components, and improve overall fuel efficiency. It treats up to 400 gallons of diesel fuel, ensuring your engine runs smoothly while improving power and reducing emissions.

  • 32 oz Hot Shot’s Secret FR3 Friction Reducer: FR3 Friction Reducer is formulated with patented nano technology that fills and attaches itself to microscopic crevices inside the engine, reducing friction, wear, and operating temperatures. It enhances engine performance and extends the life of engine components.

This bundle provides everything needed for maintaining and improving diesel engine performance, from fuel system cleaning to ongoing treatment and engine protection.

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